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Ofsted Inspection at Fresham Heights Holiday Club July 2024

“Children have tremendous fun and become engrossed as they play. Staff plan interesting activities, based on a weekly theme. For instance, children make tennis racquets as part of a theme on the Olympics. Children use paper plates and wooden lolly sticks and create their own designs. They use these to bounce a balloon and calculate how long they can keep it in the air.

Children behave very well. They quickly respond to instructions from staff and play harmoniously alongside their friends. Leaders and staff have high expectations for children’s behaviour and conduct. At the beginning of each day, staff sit with children and reinforce the rules of the club. These include being kind to others and making sure they are always within sight of staff. Staff act as good role models and use positive reinforcement to reward children. For instance, children receive stickers, wristbands and/or medals in recognition of their achievements.”

Ofsted Inspection at Banstead Junior School Holiday Club July 2024

“Staff have developed strong bonds with the children that attend. Staff are extremely sensitive to the children’s feelings and needs. They spend time talking to the children and supporting them to find solutions to experiences that they are finding difficult.

Children are extremely happy and show high levels of enthusiasm. They are eager to take part in the high-quality indoor and outdoor activities that staff provide. Children enjoy making juggling balls out of rice and balloons. They excitedly learn to juggle with their friends. Children develop good physical skills. For example, staff provide a range of opportunities for children to be physically active. They enthusiastically join in playing darts to pop balloons. Older children challenge each other to knock down obstacles when they use juggling balls to play tenpin bowling. Younger children laugh with happiness as they tell staff about their day. Staff join in the children’s conversation about their home lives with interest and ask questions.”

Ofsted Inspection at Hale Primary School Holiday Club August 2024

Children show extremely positive attitudes to play. They talk fondly about the activities they like to do when they attend the club. For instance, they delight in designing and making their own medals using buttons and feathers. Children show impressive imaginations as they create their medal for a variety of reasons, such as being kind or having fun. Staff adapt activities successfully to match the differing ages of children attending. For example, older children independently use scissors to cut their gold medals, while staff support those who are younger and find the cutting of the thicker paper more difficult.

Staff provide strong support to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They liaise closely with parents to support them effectively. Staff are sensitive to children’s feelings and needs. They spend time talking to children and supporting them to find solutions to experiences that they may find difficult. Staff ensure children feel safe and secure.”

Ofsted Inspection at Castle Hill School After School Care Club November 2023

“The club’s ethos to ‘have fun, learn more and move more’ is successfully promoted. The experienced manager leads the club with passion and determination. She expertly guides a team of staff which is committed to providing quality care. Staff place high priority on meeting children’s physical and emotional well-being. Children settle very well and enjoy good relationships with staff and each other. They are valued as individuals and play an active part in the running of the club. Staff’s consistent approach to promoting the club rules, including rules that are followed in the host school, is a particular strength of the club. Children’s behaviour is exemplary. They demonstrate impeccable manners and children treat each other with kindness and respect.”

Ofsted Inspection at Fleet Infants After School Care Club May 2023

“Children have regular opportunities to be energetic in the large outdoor area. They enthusiastically climb on the equipment and throw and kick balls with staff and each other. All children are highly motivated and concentrate well on activities. For instance, they enjoy drawing pictures and creating their own characters. Staff encourage children to think about and describe what they have drawn. This helps to promote their confidence and self-esteem.”

Ofsted Inspection at Westfields Infant School After School Care Club February 2024

“Children engage well in activities. Staff communicate well with children and support them in their play. Staff plan focus activities around weekly themes. For example, children create their own superheroes and choose which powers they would like. They create pictures and capes for their characters. Staff plan superhero physical activities for the children to take part in. Children work in teams and communicate well with each other to protect their powers.”

Ofsted Inspection at Lower Chobham School After School Care Club June 2023

“Staff spend time getting to know children well. They plan a broad range of activities that follow their interests, and consistently listen to children’s views and ideas. For example, children delight in a variety of craft activities. They show good imagination and confidently ask staff for additional resources and materials, and staff swiftly act on their request. Those children that prefer some quiet time enjoy reading or playing games with staff.”