Ofsted Inspection at Fresham Heights Holiday Club July 2024
“Children have tremendous fun and become engrossed as they play. Staff plan interesting activities, based on a weekly theme. For instance, children make tennis racquets as part of a theme on the Olympics. Children use paper plates and wooden lolly sticks and create their own designs. They use these to bounce a balloon and calculate how long they can keep it in the air.
Children behave very well. They quickly respond to instructions from staff and play harmoniously alongside their friends. Leaders and staff have high expectations for children’s behaviour and conduct. At the beginning of each day, staff sit with children and reinforce the rules of the club. These include being kind to others and making sure they are always within sight of staff. Staff act as good role models and use positive reinforcement to reward children. For instance, children receive stickers, wristbands and/or medals in recognition of their achievements.”